Thursday, June 25, 2015

Supernatural Quilt: Bobby's Hat

Bobby Singer is the fatherly figure Sam and Dean needed. The person their actual father couldn't afford to be. Bobby is a grizzly old hunter that turns out to be a beloved teddy bear. One of his most recognizable features is the battered and dirty old trucker caps he wears all the time. This baseball hat is an easy pattern, however, without embroidery to emphasize the shapes it is difficult to tell exactally what it is. I fear even with the stitching, if you don't already know what it is you won't know what it is. I made it so I can't not see a baseball hat so please let me know in the comments if you can't tell right away what it is. Here is a pic without embroidery. See how harder it is to make it out?

I also put the hat on a background of plaid. The sheer amount of flannel the hunters in this show wear... Well, I wanted to represent flannel so I used a homespun cotton for the background. Also included is *SPOILER ALERT! If you haven't seen season 7, don't finish reading past this point. This point right here. I mean it. Don't say I didn't warn you. I also included the bullet hole in the hat. I almost didn't, but including it made it undeniably Bobby's hat. Aww Bobby *sniffle*

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